Removing rust stains from fabric

When using steel items for your costume, such as weapons or armour, it is possible that you get rust stains in your clothing. 

Rust stains can be easily removed by mixing lemon juice and salt into a paste and rubbing it onto the stain. Leave it on for about an hour and rinse it off. If you put the garment in the sun while the paste is on it, it will work even better. After you’ve rinsed the paste off, wash the garment as usual.

This method shouldn’t cause any problems of white or light fabrics. If you want to remove a rust stain from a darker or brighter colour, it’s advised to test the effect of the salt and lemon juice paste on a less visible part of the garment. 

Another method to remove rust stains is by using vinegar. Pour some vinegar on the stain and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Blot the fabric with a white towel and let it dry in the sun.

Once the fabric is dry, scrub in some laundry detergent with a clean toothbrush and wash as usual.

Like with the lemon and salt method, it is advised to test the effect of the vinegar first on a less visible spot if your garment is of a darker or brighter colour.