Helmet inlay

Most helmets come with a textile or leather helmet inlay. This inlay can be glued or riveted to the inside of the helmet. 

Leather inlays generally consist of a spider-shaped or parachute net that is adjustable to size. It’s important to prevent the leather from drying out, otherwise it can break. You can use Ballistol anti rust spray for this or leather oil. 

Helmet inlays can be replaced when this is needed. 

First, remove the old helmet inlay. 

If the inlay was glued, apply glue to the same places the original inlay was glued and place the new inlay in the helmet.

If the inlay was riveted, place the new inlay in the helmet. Reattach the inlay with new rivets at the same points the old inlay was attached. Close the rivets by attaching the washer/stamp and riveting the tip closed. 


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